The Groundhog day principle.

Harold Ramis wrote, but ultimately left out the part of the ex-girlfriend who cast the spell on Bill Murray's character, meaning that he was sentenced to re-live the same day over and over

One hit wonders.

Because like a one hit wonder (when hits were a thing back in the seventies) a tune or a look or an idea can be thrilling and life affirming by a series of strange coincidences or aligning of the stars. A galactic anomaly that just needs to be admired and observed for its singular celestial beauty.

Pharma’s invisibility cloak.

In the Harry Potter books, why we 'muggles' don’t see all the weird magical stuff happening around us is explained in one simple line. ‘Muggles see what they want to see.’ A similar myopia seems to pervade consumer advertising and Healthcare advertising. Maybe I'm being sensitive. Apparently, there were actually two whole categories at Cannes... Continue Reading →

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